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Milledgeville Academy of Mixed Martial Arts provides instruction in BJJ, Muay Thai/Kickboxing, and Self-Defense. Our goal is to provide our students with top quality care and professional instruction. Our academy offers a friendly training environment for people to learn an extremely effective system of self-defense, gain confidence, improve overall health, make great friends, and have fun.

Safety Is Our Number One Priority. You'll always be in good hands at MAMMA!

Join our Family Today!

The future is yours to shape -

The decision to join our amazing community may begin with a few reasons, but will blossom into many - the flexibility, the skills, the mindset, the self-development, the self-defense, the boost in confidence. These are just some of the benefits that come with becoming part of our family.

An investment in a membership is more than just signing up for a gym - it's a commitment to a happier, healthier, and more confident version of yourself. With our guidance, support, and passion, we'll be by your side every step of your journey.

Shed excess pounds and achieve your ideal body composition. Tone and strengthen your physique. Reduce stress, boost energy, and feel empowered and ready to tackle any challenge.

Milledgeville Academy of MMA

3050 N Columbia St, Milledgeville, GA 31061


Self-defense is more than just a fighting art, it’s for great health in body and mind!

Of course, this ‘claim’ is made by many, but with MAMMA we will train you to become more than just a martial artist, we will invest in you!

Anytime and any level of interest. Join us and learn the traditional art of Thai Boxing (มวยไทย)!


The intensity of the workout depends on you, so if you want it, we’ll give it!

Personalized Training Classes

If you want to experience the benefits of a customized workout or training program that focuses on your interests, then connect with us today to get a personalized survey!


Experience the world of Kick Boxing life never before. You’ve seen classes at the local Yoga Shop, but this ain’t your granny’s kickboxing–unless she wants to come learn as well!

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Fitness, fun and full-on protection are a part of learning BJJ! With us, you can sharpen your competitive edge and learn how to handle a problem, especially if it goes to the ground. We invite you to come roll with us. You’ll be glad you did.

Youth Classes

We always hear "You're never too old, nor too young to start something new." Not only do we agree, but feel strongly that the younger you get started in martial arts the better your ability in both body and mind become. We have programs for many age brackets. Ask today and we’ll give you a detail of our programs for children.

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3050 North Columbia Street. Milledgeville, GA 31061


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